Love Her or Lose Her
Tessa Bailey
Hot & Hammered (2)
Tress of the Emerald Sea
Brandon Sanderson
The Cosmere (28)
Whisper Me This
Kerry Anne King
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn
Mark Lawrence
The Library Trilogy (1)
The Headmistress of Rosemere
Sarah E. Ladd
Whispers on the Moors (2)
The Bluff
Willa Nash
Calamity Montana (2)
L.J. Shen
Boston Belles (0.50)
Truth or Beard
Penny Reid
Winston Brothers (1)
Grin and Beard It
Winston Brothers (2)
Dr. Strange Beard
Winston Brothers (5)
Beard Science
Winston Brothers (3)
Beard Necessities
Winston Brothers (7)
Beard in Mind
Winston Brothers (4)