The Aspect of Essence
Samantha Amstutz
The Aelfyn Archives (1)
Hold Your Breath
Katie Ruggle
Search and Rescue (1)
The Sleeping Arrangement
Neva Bell
Raven's Return
Ruby Dixon
Icehome (11)
I Can Fix That
Juliana Smith
She Said Yes
Stephanie Nicole Norris
Falling For A Rose (6)
Bound to the Shadow Prince
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C. S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order) (1)
Prince Caspian
The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order) (2)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order) (3)
The Last Battle
The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order) (7)