The Lost Man
Jane Harper
Just a Bit Wicked
Alessandra Hazard
Straight Guys (7)
Song of Silver, Flame Like Night
Amélie Wen Zhao
Song of the Last Kingdom (1)
Practically Wicked
Alissa Johnson
Haverston Family (3)
Releasing Maladek
Victoria Aveline
Clecanian (5.50)
R.L. Caulder
Monarchs of Hell (1)
Ice Planet Holiday
Ruby Dixon
Ice Planet Barbarians (4.75)
Cross the Line
James Patterson
Alex Cross (24)
Cat & Mouse
Alex Cross (4)
The Big Bad Wolf
Alex Cross (9)
Pop Goes the Weasel
Alex Cross (5)
Four Blind Mice
Alex Cross (8)
Jack & Jill
Alex Cross (3)