Jeremiah I.S Goode, a gifted gentleman apothecary, tends to the poorest inhabitants of St Giles, London, 1741. Deep in debt and troubled by the past, Jeremiah is given a chance to redeem his life and escape prison. In order to do so, however, he must discover the healing power of love and how it can hold a mirror to one's own imperfections.
"The Angel and the Apothecary is a rich, dark and wholly compelling story of pain, passing, healing and hope. It powerfully and wittily evokes a world in flux, as the enlightenment comes to terms with the wisdom of the ages. I loved it." Emma Darwin, author of the Mathematics of Love.
Jeremiah I.S Goode, a gifted gentleman apothecary, tends to the poorest inhabitants of St Giles, London, 1741. Deep in debt and troubled by the past, Jeremiah is given a chance to redeem his life and escape prison. In order to do so, however, he must discover the healing power of love and how it can hold a mirror to one's own imperfections.
"The Angel and the Apothecary is a rich, dark and wholly compelling story of pain, passing, healing and hope. It powerfully and wittily evokes a world in flux, as the enlightenment comes to terms with the wisdom of the ages. I loved it." Emma Darwin, author of the Mathematics of Love.