Aboard the pirate galleon dubiously named The Shroud, Grim and his unlikely company bear down on the Harthian warship, Fortitude...
With the cunning brigand and captain, Gregory McCrank at the helm of their vessel, catching Grim's adversary, and freeing his beloved Joanne, seems all but assured. That is until a third and unexpected player unbeknownst to either party joins the fray and shatters any illusion of normalcy, fracturing the company of erstwhile enemies and casting their newfound fellowship into the cold waters of the mighty Ein.
Split from the rest of the group, the ever-dour and always dangerous assassin Grim will be forced to choose a side, no longer afforded the luxury of plying his talents to the highest bidder. With the fate of Harth hanging precariously in the balance, he finds himself at a Stand directly in the way of the greater good in order to at last accomplish his own selfish goal? Or let the tide of responsibility wash over him and accept his role as it was always meant to a protector of the small folk, a beacon of hope in an otherwise gray world. In direct opposition to the many evils sprouting from the bureaucracy that is the noble families of Harth...
Either way, it seems all roads lead to Brumex. A city primed for rebellion. But Purists, Legionnaires, and Amir Loyalists won't be the worst thing the stalwart assassin will be forced to face in the Sandstone City. Unknown to any, something far more sinister approaches. Something Grim has no desire to face.
Aboard the pirate galleon dubiously named The Shroud, Grim and his unlikely company bear down on the Harthian warship, Fortitude...
With the cunning brigand and captain, Gregory McCrank at the helm of their vessel, catching Grim's adversary, and freeing his beloved Joanne, seems all but assured. That is until a third and unexpected player unbeknownst to either party joins the fray and shatters any illusion of normalcy, fracturing the company of erstwhile enemies and casting their newfound fellowship into the cold waters of the mighty Ein.
Split from the rest of the group, the ever-dour and always dangerous assassin Grim will be forced to choose a side, no longer afforded the luxury of plying his talents to the highest bidder. With the fate of Harth hanging precariously in the balance, he finds himself at a Stand directly in the way of the greater good in order to at last accomplish his own selfish goal? Or let the tide of responsibility wash over him and accept his role as it was always meant to a protector of the small folk, a beacon of hope in an otherwise gray world. In direct opposition to the many evils sprouting from the bureaucracy that is the noble families of Harth...
Either way, it seems all roads lead to Brumex. A city primed for rebellion. But Purists, Legionnaires, and Amir Loyalists won't be the worst thing the stalwart assassin will be forced to face in the Sandstone City. Unknown to any, something far more sinister approaches. Something Grim has no desire to face.
A second time...