Tom Dunleavy has a one-man law firm in the wealthy resort town of East Hampton. But his job barely keeps him in paper clips because the local rich people already have their own lawyers. Then a friend of Tom's is arrested for a triple murder near a movie star's mansion. Tom knows in his gut that Dante Halleyville is innocent. Now representing Dante is what could be the Trial of the Century, Tom recruits Manhattan superlawyer Kate Costello to help. With the entire nation's eyes on him, Tom orchestrates a series of revelations to expose the killer. And what emerges is staggering --- and will shock everyone.
WELCOME TO BEACH ROAD --- EXPENSIVE, EXCLUSIVE ... AND EXPLOSIVE. Tom Dunleavy has a one-man law firm in the wealthy resort town of East Hampton. But his job barely keeps him in paper clips because the local rich people already have their own lawyers. Then a friend of Tom's is arrested for a triple murder near a movie star's mansion. Tom knows in his gut that Dante Halleyville is innocent. Now representing Dante is what could be the Trial of the Century, Tom recruits Manhattan superlawyer Kate Costello to help. With the entire nation's eyes on him, Tom orchestrates a series of revelations to expose the killer. And what emerges is staggering --- and will shock everyone.