Bill Marshall might as well have been the Devil. Christina Lee Dodd needs Friday off work. Needs. She's up to her eyeballs in problems. One of those problems is her boss, Bill Marshall. And Bill Marshall is an a**hole. The offer he makes is textbook inappropriate. An HR nightmare. But is it wrong for her to accept? Is it wrong for her to like it? Bass-Ackwards is a filthy wrong-way romance where two human beings make more mistakes than you can shake a stick at.
Bill Marshall might as well have been the Devil. Christina Lee Dodd needs Friday off work. Needs. She's up to her eyeballs in problems. One of those problems is her boss, Bill Marshall. And Bill Marshall is an a**hole. The offer he makes is textbook inappropriate. An HR nightmare. But is it wrong for her to accept? Is it wrong for her to like it? Bass-Ackwards is a filthy wrong-way romance where two human beings make more mistakes than you can shake a stick at.