Never Split The Party

Ramy Vance

Book 1 of Middang3ard

Language: English

Publisher: LMBPN Publishing

Published: Aug 4, 2019


What if J.R.R. Tolkien's work wasn't fiction, but a primer to help humanity get accustomed to a harsh truth?There are nine known realms, a world for each race, including dwarves, gnomes, and elves.In the middle rests Middang3ard. Each world knows the others. Each, except Earth.Humans long ago turned their backs on magic, throwing their stock into science and technology, their governments shielding the people from the reality of what was going on elsewhere.So be it. Humans were never very good at getting along with other races anyway.Then the Dark One appeared, threatening to overrun the nine worlds, starting with Middang3ard and ending with the humans’ planet.The second planet just went dark, Earth can't stay out of the fight, but can it do anything to save its own future?Now, humans must send elite warriors to Middang3ard to fight, else humans will fight on the shores of their own lands when the Dark One invades Earth.Too bad their elite starts and ends with Robert ‘Suzuki’ Fletcher and his team of Mundanes.