Stricken with grief, Baily Sinclair is certain of one thing. She must leave the only home she's ever known and the only man she's ever loved. After the hell he's been through, Connor Edge deserves a fresh start without a constant reminder of all he endured.
Leaving Connor and forgetting him are two entirely different things. Especially when her billionaire is determined to win her back no matter the cost. Is a happily ever after possible after so much pain or will a darker force separate them forever?
Stricken with grief, Baily Sinclair is certain of one thing. She must leave the only home she's ever known and the only man she's ever loved. After the hell he's been through, Connor Edge deserves a fresh start without a constant reminder of all he endured. Leaving Connor and forgetting him are two entirely different things. Especially when her billionaire is determined to win her back no matter the cost. Is a happily ever after possible after so much pain or will a darker force separate them forever?