The Wonderland Murders

Lanie Olson

Language: English

Published: Jan 2, 2019


Things are different when you're a burden. I was dumped at Carroll’s Home for Troubled Youth by parents I can't quite remember—or maybe I came here on my own. No ... I was found guilty of a crime and that's why I'm here. It all depends on who you ask or choose to believe, I guess. I spend my days with my best friend who's done way more heinous things than I have. He wants me to remember—to tell him stories about being a stranger in a strange land, but I don't want to talk about it because when you talk about things, that's how they become real again. Because it was real, no matter what Dr. Carpenter or any of the orderlies say, and Ever is the only one that believes me. He wants me to go back, but I can't. There's a bounty on my head. I stole something from the Queen and she'll stop at nothing to get it back. Nothing.